Clients tell me, When "you need a Bull Dog in Real Estate, you need a Pam Pam!" That is seriously a comment I get often. Maybe not the best way to be introduced, but still.
I wouldn't normally market myself this way. A Bull Dog, seems a bit aggressive, snores a lot & drools'.
So I looked up the definition, (I get Educated).
The Bulldog was named for its ability to bait a large bull. (Difficult Real Estate Market, Buyers or Sellers).
The dog would attack the bull from underneath (strategy) usually by biting into the neck to prevent the bull from fighting back. (Unique Approach). These original Bulldogs were almost impervious to pain (Endor Until the End), had a savage temperament (Keep a clear mind) of being savage and were fiercely courageous. (Home SOLD)
Bull baiting was outlawed in 1835 in England, so the Bulldog’s usefulness came to an end. ( keep up with the changing times).
“The modern Bulldog is gentle, intelligent, affectionate, strong and determined,” says the Bulldog Club of America.
I guess my clients were right after all...
I am a Bull Dog in Real Estate!
If this resonates with you... we could be instant Best Friends! Some already have a friend in real estate. But to have Man's Best Friend as your Realtor, now your protected!